

contra mundum

Almost all stories involving Charles and Sebastian are slash or pre-slash (except one threesome). All the ratings and summaries are quoted as the authors put them.

Under 550 words

  1. Je pense à toi by laliqueylaliquey (Friendship/Romance)
  2. Lithium by immaculate amber (Sebastian-centered, angst)
  3. The Closest Thing to Rain by argyleheirargyleheir (Rated G. Two third-class tickets to Venice.)

550-1000 words

  1. Whim by sirentwatersirenwater (Rated R: slash, cross-dressing, non-graphic sex. It was amazing, what a spot of rouge could do for Sebastian Flyte.)
  2. Childlike, He Dreamed by hmsbacklash (Friendship/Romance)
  3. Foil Paper Crown by laliqueylaliquey (A letter leads to Sebastian’s insecurity and a private triumph.)
  4. Prince of endless summer by rosypeachesrosypeaches (Rated R; Charles knows that he can’t be with Sebastian. There must always be a last time. Everything has to end. There is no such thing as an endless summer.)
  5. Butterflies and Cathedrals by m_erechynm_erechyn (Rated PG; Hopefully canon-esque Sebastian/Charles. Wine, aesthetics, romanticism, and a snatch of a summer alone.)
  6. What You Will by argyleheirargyleheir (Rated R, Some tastes are acquired; others are inherent.)
  7. Out of Nature by argyleheirargyleheir (Rated G. This was my conversion to the baroque.)
  8. Bells and Pomegranates by argyleheirargyleheir (Rated PG-13. We kept very much to our own company that term, each so much bound up in the other that we did not look elsewhere for friends.)
  9. The Workings of Chance by argyleheirargyleheir (Rated PG. To understand all is to forgive all.)
  10. Bridge of Sighs by argyleheirargyleheir (Rated G. Life keeps pace with the gondola.)
  11. Salt and Honey by m_erenchynm_erenchyn (Rated PG. Love/Friendship.)


  1. The Peculiar Ballad of Charles and Sebastian (part 1 of 2; part 2 of 2) by davidsbarneydavidsbarney (How the story might have gone if the boys had said what they meant and shown what they felt).

Not Sebastian-and-Charles

Around 500 words

  1. A Bottomless Pit Opens by cleo2584cleo2584 (Rated NC-17. Incest: Lady Marchmain/Sebastian.)

Over 2000 words

  1. Abandonment by mini_marnada08mini_miranda08 (Lord Marchmain leaves his wife, Romance/Angst)
  2. And The World Changed Hereafter by liseuseliseuse (Rated PG. The story is about Cordelia. Sebastian’s struggles to reconcile his religion and his sexuality are loud and visible - but what if Cordelia has similar issues and deals with them differently?)
  3. Too Short a Lease by rematicalgirlromanticalgirl (Rated NC-17. Incest, threesome: Sebastian/Charles/Cordelia. Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?)

@темы: bubbles, playing tigers

contra mundum
“Quomodo sedet sola civitas plena populo; facta est quasi vidua domina gentium; princeps provinciarum facta est sub tributo.”


The Lamentations of Jeremiah (Lamentationes Ieremiae), 1:1

The five chapters in Scriptures known as Lamentationes record the laments of the Prophet Jeremiah, crushed and desolate, mourning over the city Jerusalem after it was destroyed and the people carried into captivity.
The Lamentations are sung in the Liturgy of the Church in the Office of Passion Week. Since Christ Himself designated His death as the destruction of the Temple (John 2:19-21), then the Church pours out her grief over His death caused by the sins of mankind in these poignant Lamentations of Jeremiah.
The laments are particularly moving in this period of History, when faithful Catholics mourn the destruction of the Church in our days and await her restoration.
In the first chapters of the Lamentations each verse begins with a letter of the Hebrew alphabet taken in order (Aleph, Bet, Gimel, Dalet, Heth, etc.). The chant setting of the Lamentations uses extended melismas, that is, long groups of notes on the same vowel. This tradition is as old as Gregorian itself.

How doth the city sit solitary that was full of people! How is the mistress of the peoples become as a widow: the Princes of provinces made tributary!

@темы: motifs, religion

contra mundum

The name of Charles’s college is never mentioned in the book. We only know that he had ground-floor rooms in the front quadrangle with gillyflowers growing below the windows, that on Sundays he often had breakfast at a teashop opposite Balliol and that his college is headed by a Warden. There are two colleges headed by Wardens and located close enough to Balliol: New College and Wadham. According to present-day photographs, none of them has any flower-beds in the front quad, while Hertford, which is in fact even closer to Balliol than New College, definitely has. Seems like EW eventually failed to conceal Charles’s being in the same college as himself.

@темы: charles, waugh, Oxford

contra mundum

the swords of her dolours
an oblique reference to the Seven Dolours (or Sorrows) of the Virgin Mary, pictures of whom adorn Lady Marchmain’s rooms. Such a picture would show the Virgin with her heart pierced by seven swords. In Fez Sebastian will have a picture of the Seven Dolours in his hospital room at which he will look when he hears that his mother is dying.
The Seven Dolours are :

The prophecy of Simeon (Gospel of St Luke 2, 34-35);
The flight into Egypt (Gospel of St Matthew 2, 13-15);
The loss of the Child Jesus in the temple (Gospel of St Luke 2, 44-50);
Jesus and Mary’s meeting on the Way of the Cross (implied, Gospel of St Luke 23, 27-31);
The Crucifixion (all gospels);
The taking down of the Body of Jesus from the Cross (all gospels);
The burial of Jesus (all gospels).

The point is not that Lady Marchmain is a modern type of the Virgin Mary, a thought she would consider blasphemous; but that she offers up her sorrows to God as a sacrifice in the way that Mary did.

@темы: motifs, religion


Board games

contra mundum

Julia plays borad and card games most often (apart from Rex’s gambling).

She plays halma with nanny Hawkins, bezique and chemin de fer with Rex.

Tombola is played on board the ship where Julia and Charles meet.

Charles plays Mah Jongg with Cordelia at Easter.

@темы: motifs, Board games, games



contra mundum

Sebastian’s college was Christ Church. Allegedly, Charles was in Hertford, and so were Lady Marchmain’s brothers. Bridey was in Magdalen. Mr Samgrass was a tutor in All Souls.

While Charles studied history, we are never told or given a hint as to what was Sebastian’s subject.

@темы: oxford

contra mundum
Catholic Saints:

A complete list of Catholic saints in the alphabetic order.

@темы: links, religion

contra mundum

Apparently, there is no St Cordelia, only St Cordula. Thus, could Cordelia really have 6 black Cordelias christened after her?

@темы: motifs, cordelia, religion

contra mundum
contra mundum
“plover’s eggs


The eggs of plovers considered to be a delicacy, generally cream or buff-coloured with dark brown spots or blotches, generally replaced by eggs of various species of gull (black- headed, lesser black-backed, great black-backed, etc.), which are similar in colour. In the UK they can only be gathered up to April the 14th and for home consumption only. Their sale is prohibited.”

- plover’s eggs definition

@темы: motifs

contra mundum

Stephen Fry, believe it or not

@темы: sebastian

contra mundum

Charles must have meant Giovanni.

@темы: charles, motifs, lord marchmain

contra mundum


Saint Sebastian

Andrea Mantegna


Upper left corner of the painting conceals a horseman in the shape of the cloud. Mantegna used the same trick again in his Triumph of Virtue (1502).

@темы: sebastian, motifs, st sebastian, religion

contra mundum


St. Sebastian by Gustave Moreau.

@темы: sebastian, motifs, st sebastian, religion



contra mundum
contra mundum
contra mundum


Hendrick ter Brugghen - Saint Sebastian Tended by Irene, c. 1625 (in “Larger Than Life” @ the National Gallery of Art)

@темы: sebastian, motifs, st sebastian, religion

contra mundum
contra mundum
glbtq: St. Sebastian (d. 287) :

Although he has had various embodiments throughout history—plague saint in the Middle Ages, shimmering youth of Apollonian beauty throughout the Renaissance, “decadent” androgyne in the late nineteenth century—Sebastian has long been known as the homosexual’s saint.

@темы: sebastian, links, motifs, st sebastian, religion

contra mundum
Fuck Yeah St Sebastian: SAINT SEBASTIAN: Martyr (c. 257-c. 288):

St. Sebastian was an officer in the Roman army, esteemed even by the heathen as a good soldier, and honored by the Church ever since as a champion of Jesus Christ. Born at Narbonne (France), Sebastian came to Rome about the year 284, and entered the lists against the powers of evil. He found…

@темы: sebastian, motifs, st sebastian, religion