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Occasionally stumbled across fuckyeahbridesheadrevisited. The blog unfortunately seems only to contain film caps and second to no information or analysis.

Another tiny brideshead blog on Tumblr is fuckyeahbrideshead but it seems to be long abandoned and only have three posts.

@темы: films, links, brideshead

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Atlas Fountain at Castle Howard

North Yorkshire, England

@темы: films, brideshead

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Wisteria hanging from a building in Magdalen College, Oxford

@темы: oxford, bridey

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Brideshead Revisited, new Penguin Essentials edition

This cover was used by Penguin before, too.

@темы: brideshead, covers

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I have yet to see Laurence Olivier’s version of Richard III, but I can’t help thinking of Olivier and Claire Bloom as Sebastian’s parents in Brideshead Revisited. For the record, John Gielgud also appeared in both Richard III and Brideshead Revisited (in which he was an absolute scene stealer in his minor role as Charles’s father).

@темы: mini-series, films

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I started to write when I was fourteen years old. I’ve been writing since I really was a kid. I wanted to write the day I finished reading a novel that really changed my life. It was a novel about upper-class British Catholics. … You won’t believe this story. Evelyn Waugh’s Brideshead Revisited. It absolutely changed my life. It was an extraordinary encounter with that novel. It was the first serious adult fiction I had ever read. I lived inside that book with more intensity than I lived inside my own world. It was the exact reverse of anything you would think would affect a nice Jewish boy in New York going to a Jewish parochial school. When I closed the book, I was overwhelmed by my relationship to that book. I remember asking myself, ‘What did he do to me? How do you do this kind of thing with words?’ That’s where my commitment to write began. It was really born - very concretely - out of that encounter, with that one book. And it lasted.

- Chaim Potok, 1976

This is just so wonderful to hear.

@темы: bubbles

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An illustration project.
He is a British aristocrat known his decadent lifestyle.
It is said that he spent most of his life in bed.

@темы: sebastian, i am not i

contra mundum

I take exception to the implied comparison of Stephen Tennant with Sebastian Flyte.

Not only is Sebastian, as presented by Evelyn Waugh, not a homosexual, but he totally lacks Tennant’s narcissism. Far from cultivating his beauty, Sebastian never makes a remark or acts in a way that would betray anything more than ordinary awareness of his physical endowments. Certainly he has no use for ribbons, perfumes, makeup or hair dye. Nowhere is the contrast between Stephen Tennant and Sebastian Flyte more marked than at the last: Tennant, fat, sleek and self-indulgent in his final years; Sebastian, thin, weak and “withered” at the end of “Brideshead Revisited.”



Lake Worth, Fla.

@темы: bubbles

contra mundum

Some people maintain that it was Stephen Tennant, not Brian Howard, who was Evelyn Waugh’s model for Sebastian Flyte in Brideshead Revisited.

Tennant, a man, whom it was said spent most of his life in bed, was Siegfried Sassoon’s lover for four years.

An aristocrat, he was the youngest son of Lord Glenconner, of Scotland, and Pamela Wyndham, who was a cousin of Lord Alfred Douglas, Oscar Wilde’s lover. He was friends of artist Rex Whistler, Lady Diana Manners, the three Sitwell siblings , and the three Mitford girls. Nancy Mitford based Cedric Hampton of Love in a Cold Climate on him.

He was also friends of Cecil Beaton, who often photographed him, and Cecil’s sisters, Nancy and Baba, two of the more beautiful Bright Young People.

Brian Howard a model for Sebastian, not Anthony Blanche? I do think this article is inaccurate.

@темы: sebastian, i am not i

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With Sigfried Sassoon

@темы: sebastian, i am not i

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With Cecil Beaton

@темы: sebastian, i am not i

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By Cecil Beaton

@темы: sebastian, i am not i



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Lier, Vlaanderen, Sint-Gummaruskerk, saint Sebastian’s altar, center panel

@темы: motifs, st sebastian, sebasyian, religion

contra mundum

Yes, a horse.

I do promise to post something really Brideshead-related when I sober up (if ever). And I will definitely post something Brideshead-related on Monday even if I do not sober up by then :-)

@темы: I like getting drunk at luncheons

contra mundum
Professional Sebastian:

Too drunk to be decent today, sorry :-)

@темы: I like getting drunk at luncheons