вторник, 24 мая 2011
contra mundum
contra mundum
contra mundum
contra mundum
contra mundum
contra mundum
contra mundum
contra mundum
contra mundum
понедельник, 23 мая 2011
contra mundum
Julia: Has Charles finished?
Brideshead: Yes. He's just gone.
Julia: I've been taking the last look round. All the rooms are so bare, so cold. And next week all this will be rubble. It's awful, isn't it?
Brideshead: I suppose it is awful, in a way. But I'm afraid I've never neeb able to see it as more than a place to stay when the family were in London.
Julia: I think it's a marvelous house.
Brideshead: Yes? Hmmm... Charles thinks so, too.
Julia: He's done a wonderful job with the painting, don't you think? Captured the house for ever. (Slight pause) What do you think of his marriage, Bridey?
Brideshead: What? Whast should I think of it?
Julia: Well... he made the right choice, do you think?
Brideshead: I'm not sure I'm qualified to say, but yes, I think so; after all, Celia is a good business-woman. In many ways it's an obvious relationship.
Julia: But do you think they'll be happy?
Brideshead: Why shouldn't they be?
Julia: I... don't know. I suppose they'll make the best of it.
Brideshead: Yes. He's just gone.
Julia: I've been taking the last look round. All the rooms are so bare, so cold. And next week all this will be rubble. It's awful, isn't it?
Brideshead: I suppose it is awful, in a way. But I'm afraid I've never neeb able to see it as more than a place to stay when the family were in London.
Julia: I think it's a marvelous house.
Brideshead: Yes? Hmmm... Charles thinks so, too.
Julia: He's done a wonderful job with the painting, don't you think? Captured the house for ever. (Slight pause) What do you think of his marriage, Bridey?
Brideshead: What? Whast should I think of it?
Julia: Well... he made the right choice, do you think?
Brideshead: I'm not sure I'm qualified to say, but yes, I think so; after all, Celia is a good business-woman. In many ways it's an obvious relationship.
Julia: But do you think they'll be happy?
Brideshead: Why shouldn't they be?
Julia: I... don't know. I suppose they'll make the best of it.
contra mundum
Charles: I expect you'll fall in love.
Cordelia: Oh, I pray not...! But what will happen to you?
Charles: Well, I'm engaged, did you know?
Cordelia: Yes. To Celia.
Charles: You approve?
Cordelia: I think she's very suitable. Rather attractive... very interested in your work.
Charles: So you think I've made a good choice?
Cordelia: Oh, yes. A sound investment, I'd say.
Charles: What do you mean?
Cordelia: Oh... nothing. And then a career as an architectural painter, is that it?
Charles: You make it sound so dull!
Cordelia: I didn't mean to. I think you have a great talent.
Charles (stopping painting and looking at her): But...
Cordelia: What?
Charles: There's a "but", I can hear it!
Cordelia (looking at the picture): Well, don't you ever get the urge to paint something really outlandish? If I could paint, I'd uase the most sensational colours imaginable!
Charles: And you want to be a nun?
Cordelia: Of course. We each have our vocation. We can't escape from it.
Charles (shaking his head): One day I hope to understand your family.
Cordelia: One day you will.
Cordelia: Oh, I pray not...! But what will happen to you?
Charles: Well, I'm engaged, did you know?
Cordelia: Yes. To Celia.
Charles: You approve?
Cordelia: I think she's very suitable. Rather attractive... very interested in your work.
Charles: So you think I've made a good choice?
Cordelia: Oh, yes. A sound investment, I'd say.
Charles: What do you mean?
Cordelia: Oh... nothing. And then a career as an architectural painter, is that it?
Charles: You make it sound so dull!
Cordelia: I didn't mean to. I think you have a great talent.
Charles (stopping painting and looking at her): But...
Cordelia: What?
Charles: There's a "but", I can hear it!
Cordelia (looking at the picture): Well, don't you ever get the urge to paint something really outlandish? If I could paint, I'd uase the most sensational colours imaginable!
Charles: And you want to be a nun?
Cordelia: Of course. We each have our vocation. We can't escape from it.
Charles (shaking his head): One day I hope to understand your family.
Cordelia: One day you will.
воскресенье, 22 мая 2011
contra mundum
contra mundum
contra mundum

Eagle and Child pub.
Where J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis and other writers met to talk and drink beer.
contra mundum

In Memory of Captain HUBERT JOHN DUGGAN
26433, Life Guards
who died age 39 on 25 October 1943
Son of the Marshioness Curzon of Kedleston and the late Alfred Duggan. M.P. for Acton, Middlesex since 1931.
Remembered with honour
contra mundum
contra mundum
Sebastian: Poor Mummy. I don't believe she had a friend in the world. Poor, poor Mummy.
Kurt (off; calling): Sebastian!
Sebastian (calling): Just coming! (To Charles) I'll have to see to him. His foot's pretty bad... Is there... anything else?
Charles: No. Nothing else.
Sebastian (going to him): Don't be cross with me, Charles. We were such good friends, once.
Charles: Yes. Yes, we were.
Stage direction: There is a moment when a parting embrace is possible; then:
Kurt (off): Sebastian!
Sebastian: Goodbye, Charles. Do look after yourself.
Kurt (off; calling): Sebastian!
Sebastian (calling): Just coming! (To Charles) I'll have to see to him. His foot's pretty bad... Is there... anything else?
Charles: No. Nothing else.
Sebastian (going to him): Don't be cross with me, Charles. We were such good friends, once.
Charles: Yes. Yes, we were.
Stage direction: There is a moment when a parting embrace is possible; then:
Kurt (off): Sebastian!
Sebastian: Goodbye, Charles. Do look after yourself.