Evelyn Waugh
[via Paula Byrne’s Mad World]
Lady Burghclere was the mother of ‘She-Evelyn’, Evelyn Waugh’s first wife.
Evelyn Waugh
[via Paula Byrne’s Mad World]
Lady Burghclere was the mother of ‘She-Evelyn’, Evelyn Waugh’s first wife.
Mad World by Paula Byrne
She came; she admired my rooms… “My brothers Simon and Ned were here, you know. Ned had rooms on the garden front. I wanted Sebastian to come here, too, but my husband was at Christ Church and, as you know, he took charge of Sebastian’s education”.
Evelyn Waugh in his diary, Fabriary 20, 1927.
[via Paula Byrne’s Mad World]
Evelyn Waugh to his school friend Dudley Carew.
[via Paula Byrne’s Mad World]
For the consistently wonderful Kailey! I drew you a Charles and Sebastian. YEAH! I went a lil crazy with the textures, soooo.
Mad World by Payla Byrne.
“If he wants to be always tight, why doesn’t he go to Kenya or somewhere where it doesn’t matter?”
“Why does it matter less being unhappy in Kenya than anywhere else?”
“Don’t pretend to be stupid, Charles. You understand perfectly.”
Taylorian Institution Library, Oxford, United Kingom
If only you knew how long it took me to find this picture! I was going to save it for tomorrow, but it’s too pretty not to be shared now. Oxbridge (that’s a portmanteau of Oxford and Cambridge) libraries are the nicest ones. Sadly I don’t study there, but I’m lucky enough to have friends there, so I can go to the libraries with them.
There are many reasons for loving Radcliffe Square, but one of them is that it always looks lovely—even when the weather is moody.
Keble college is spectacular, Carrie had to practically drag me out