contra mundum
“It never occured to me that I wasn’t a gentleman until lady Burghclere pointed it out.”


Evelyn Waugh

[via Paula Byrne’s Mad World]

Lady Burghclere was the mother of ‘She-Evelyn’, Evelyn Waugh’s first wife.

@темы: waugh, aristocracy

contra mundum


A Graveyard in Oxford, England. July 2010.

@темы: oxford

contra mundum
contra mundum
“Whilst of the cruise [in 1928], the couple [He-Evelyn and She-Evelyn] visited Alistair Graham in Cyrpus. He was there with his boyfriend, Mark Ogilvie-Grant. Evelyn noted how relaxed Mark was with the relief of not having to keep up appearances, ‘as having terrific affairs in an atmosphere of garlic and Charlie Chaplin moustaches’. Abroad, as Sebastian discovered in ‘Brideshead’, is the place where you do not have to keep up the pretence of being straight.”

- Mad World by Paula Byrne

@темы: sebastian, kurt, i am not i, byrne, fairies

contra mundum
“The long school holidays [1926] were spent almost entirely in Alistair [Graham]’s company. First they went to see Mrs Graham in scotland. Evelyn loved Endinburgh. As a mark of theor intimacy, Alistair took him to see his old nanny, to whom he was devoted. But the ‘Queen Mother’, as they called Alistair’s redoubtable mama, was not in the best of tempers. She resented Evelyn’s presence and accused him of being consistently rude to her.

In late August, Alistair and Evelyn want to Paris. Evelyn was delighted to hear that Elmley and High Lygon were there. They dined together in a fashionable restaurant, visited the Luna Park, and drank a great many champagne coctails. Being in the company of the Lygons was exhilarating and turned Evelyn off Alistair: ‘I did not see much of Alistair, nor did I want to. He is so ignorant about Paris and French. I think I have seen too much of Alistair lately.’”

- Mad World by Paula Byrne

@темы: sebastian, i am not i, nanny hawkins

contra mundum
“From Eton he [William Lygon, later the 7the Earl Beauchamp, Hugh’s father] went on to Christ Church, Oxford, as was the custom for the family.”


Mad World by Paula Byrne

She came; she admired my rooms… “My brothers Simon and Ned were here, you know. Ned had rooms on the garden front. I wanted Sebastian to come here, too, but my husband was at Christ Church and, as you know, he took charge of Sebastian’s education”.

@темы: sebastian, oxford, motifs, lord marchmain, i am not i

contra mundum
“Next Thursday I am to visite a Father Underhill about being a parson. Last night I was very drung. How odd those sentences go together.”


Evelyn Waugh in his diary, Fabriary 20, 1927.

[via Paula Byrne’s Mad World]

@темы: waugh, religion

contra mundum
“On becoming the Earl Beauchamp in 1866, Frederick threw himself into the life of the house and the county of Worcestershire (his Catholic sympathies meant that he was viewed with suspicion in royal and political circles, so he confined himself to the shires). He rebuilt large parts of Madresfield in the Gothic style. He beautified the gardens. And he began the tradition of an agricultural show for his tenants (in ‘Brideahead Revisited’ Charles and Sebastian watch just such a show whilst sunbathing on the roof of the house).”

- Mad World by Paula Byrne

@темы: motifs, brideshead, bridey, they are not they, religion

contra mundum
“As Waugh developed as a writer, he perfected a technique of combining the characteristics of friends, enemies and acquaintances in order to create composite characters. […] Another aspect of Waugh’s creative sophistication was his way of splitting his own identity into more than one character.”

- Mad World by Paula Byrne

@темы: motifs, waugh, i am not i, byrne

contra mundum
“No one in our class will ever starve because he can always go as a prep school master, not a pleasant job but all roads lead to Sodom.”


Evelyn Waugh to his school friend Dudley Carew.

[via Paula Byrne’s Mad World]

@темы: waugh

contra mundum


For the consistently wonderful Kailey! I drew you a Charles and Sebastian. YEAH! I went a lil crazy with the textures, soooo.

@темы: unhealthy pictures

contra mundum
“After Evelyn [Waugh]’s humiliating departure from Oxford, he returned home to Underhill. For a few happy weeks, he hung out with Alistair [Graham]. They wandered around greater London like Parisian flaneurs. But then Alistair departed fopr Kenya leaving Evelyn with nothing to look forward to save ‘heart-beaking dreariness’.”


Mad World by Payla Byrne.

“If he wants to be always tight, why doesn’t he go to Kenya or somewhere where it doesn’t matter?”
“Why does it matter less being unhappy in Kenya than anywhere else?”
“Don’t pretend to be stupid, Charles. You understand perfectly.”

@темы: sebastian, i am not i, byrne

contra mundum
contra mundum
“When he [Evelyn Waugh] returned to London in the holidays, he saw a lot of Olivia [Puncket Greene]. As usual, her company was synonymous with heavy drinking and committed party-going. One party in particular ended up with Evelyn under arrest (an incident that turns up in ‘Brideshead’). Evelyn and Olivia gave a party, to which her cousin Matthey Ponsonby was invited. He came in his car and was sent out to buy more drink with Evelyn, who was, by this time, already drunk. The men stopped off for drinks along the way and were arrested for driving the wrong way around a traffic island. Matthew and Evelyn, ‘Drunk and Incapable’, were put into police cells. The next day, Evelyn was bound over at the cost of 2 ponds. It was far more serious for Matthew, who was the driver of the car. Though his father (the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs) bailed him out, Matthew came extremely close to a prison sentence. In the end he was banned from driving for a year and given a large fine, half of which Evelyn offered to pay: ‘After all I was rather more than half to blame and I got off so lightly myself’.”

- Mad World by Paula Byrne

@темы: motifs, i am not i, byrne

contra mundum


Taylorian Institution Library, Oxford, United Kingom

If only you knew how long it took me to find this picture! I was going to save it for tomorrow, but it’s too pretty not to be shared now. Oxbridge (that’s a portmanteau of Oxford and Cambridge) libraries are the nicest ones. Sadly I don’t study there, but I’m lucky enough to have friends there, so I can go to the libraries with them.

@темы: oxford

contra mundum
contra mundum


There are many reasons for loving Radcliffe Square, but one of them is that it always looks lovely—even when the weather is moody.

@темы: oxford

contra mundum



Keble college is spectacular, Carrie had to practically drag me out

@темы: oxford



contra mundum
contra mundum