Some people maintain that it was Stephen Tennant, not Brian Howard, who was Evelyn Waugh’s model for Sebastian Flyte in Brideshead Revisited.

Tennant, a man, whom it was said spent most of his life in bed, was Siegfried Sassoon’s lover for four years.

An aristocrat, he was the youngest son of Lord Glenconner, of Scotland, and Pamela Wyndham, who was a cousin of Lord Alfred Douglas, Oscar Wilde’s lover. He was friends of artist Rex Whistler, Lady Diana Manners, the three Sitwell siblings , and the three Mitford girls. Nancy Mitford based Cedric Hampton of Love in a Cold Climate on him.

He was also friends of Cecil Beaton, who often photographed him, and Cecil’s sisters, Nancy and Baba, two of the more beautiful Bright Young People.

Brian Howard a model for Sebastian, not Anthony Blanche? I do think this article is inaccurate.

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