The Great Quadrangle
Dining Hall
Henry VIII
Place Setting
More pictures from Oxford, specifically from Christ Church:
- The college’s Great Quadrangle is basically postcard-ready on a nice day (and we had a nice day). Since weirdly-cropped photos play havoc with Tumblr’s slideshow feature, I’m posting this alternate version (which, through no fault of mine, practically looks like a Magritte with the guard in the bowler, etc.):
- I kept snapping pictures of hallways and such with the hopes that (dork alert) we’d ultimately recognize an area that ended up in a Harry Potter movie (which filmed here). Inconclusive results, which serves me right, since I was taking photos of a college that produced countless important philosophers, writers, and politicians with the hopes of figuring out where Snape looked at Ron funny that one time (or something). Still - look at this hallway! People go to school in this place!
- Again, people go to school in this place! They eat in this dining hall, which is lined with portraits of alumni and other notables from British history, including…
- Henry VIII, who knew a thing or two about eating. (And also formally refounded the school as “King Henry VIII’s College” after an earlier, unsuccessful attempt at creating a school on the grounds, then later made it the cathedral of the diocese of Oxford when England broke from the Church of Rome).
- I ate off of plastic trays in college. Just sayin’.
- And here’s the cathedral proper - one of the smallest cathedrals in England, but still pretty impressive, especially when you consider some of the folks who spent time there.