Effie: Yeah. But listen – you can't drive in this state.

Mulcaster: 'S all right. Sebastian's a good driver. And he can take his drink, you see. Come on, Sebastian. Drive us into the welcoming night.

Stage direction: Effie puts her arm around Mulcaster and they all begin to move off. A policeman enters and stops Sebastian.

Policeman: Just a minute, sir. What are you doing?

Sebastian: We are going about our legitimate business, what does it look like?

Policeman: Is that your vehicle over there?

Sebastian: No. It's his. (He points to Mulcaster)

Policeman: I see. And were any of you preparing to drive it, sir? Because if you were, I would have to advise you against it.

Sebastian: Your advice, officer has been duly noted. But, after weighty consideration, it will be ignored.

Policeman: Now, come on, sir. We don't want a charge of drunk and disorderly, do we sir?

Sebastian: I can only speak for myself, I'm afraid. I wouldn't attempt to guess what you want. Now please let me pass. As you see, I have my passengers to consider.

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