Diana Mitford, sometimes known by her marital names of Diana Guinness or Diana Mosley.
Already famed for her beauty, style, and charisma, Diana, at the age of 18, became secretly engaged to Bryan Walter Guinness shortly after her presentation at Court. Guinness, an Irish aristocrat, writer and brewing heir, would inherit the barony of Moyne. Her parents were initially opposed to the match but in time were persuaded. Sydney was particularly uneasy at the thought of two such young people having possession of such a large fortune, but she was eventually convinced Bryan was a suitable husband. The couple were well known for hosting glittering society events involving the Bright Young People. Waugh exclaimed that her beauty “ran through the room like a peal of bells.” He dedicated the novel Vile Bodies, a satire of the Roaring Twenties, to the couple. Her portrait was painted by Augustus John, Pavel Tchelitchew and Henry Lamb.