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Kinski und Ensemble: Wiedersehen mit Brideshead - Klaus Kinski

Yes, it is Klaus Kinski reading Brideshead in German. And I did order the CD. :-)

@темы: books, audiobooks, covers

contra mundum

Hubert John Duggan (24 July 1904 – 25 October 1943) was a British Army officer and politician, who was Conservative Party Member of Parliament for Acton from 1931 until his death. He was an opponent of appeasement and broke the whip on several important occasions, voting to bring down Neville Chamberlain in 1940.

A witty and handsome man who very much enjoyed the company of women, Duggan was married only briefly before becoming the plaintiff in a scandalous divorce case. He suffered from ill health; brought up in the Catholic faith, he lapsed in adolescence but returned when on his deathbed. Episodes in his life inspired writers Evelyn Waugh and Anthony Powell to fictionalise him.


Duggan was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina where his father Alfred was honorary Attach

@темы: Religion, Waugh, I am not I

contra mundum

@темы: oxford

contra mundum
Setting: Brideshead

Julia: it's sweet of you to come. Mummy has been asking for you, but I don't know if she'll be able to see you now after all.

Charles: Is she very ill?

Julia: Yes. She's dying. She may live a week or two, or she may go at any minute. She's asleep now, but I can tell you what she wanted to say... she was beastly to you, last time you met. She knows now that she was wrong about you... she wanted to apologize.

Charles: There's no need.

Julia: I was so sorry when you had to go. You'd become such a part of us... But there's another thing. Sebastian – she wants him. I don't know if that's possible, is it?

Charles: I hear he's in a very bad way... I met Blanche in London. After he'd given Rex the slip, Sebastian stayed with him in Marseille, I gather – he was out of funds, stealing from his host, pawning what he took, and drinking the proceeds! A sot is how Blanche described him. Last heard of living in Fez with a Germain out of Foreign Legion...

Julia: Oh, Charles! (she touches his arm) It seems as if everything is changing, and nothing can stop it. Will you try and get him? I think Sebastian would want it, too, if he realized.

@темы: why must this be a play

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One of the Oxford colleges

Does anyone know which one?

@темы: oxford

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Rex: Have you got him?

Charles: You must mean Sebastian.

Rex: Yes.

Charles: Has he given you a slip, too?

Rex: Damned nuisance! We were going on tothe clinic in Zurich today. I went round to the Travellers for a game or cards last night, had a run of luck, and cleaned up the pack. And do you know Sebastian must have pinched the lot while I was asleep. It's a bit much, going off like that. I was rather hoping that if I made a good job of him, it might do me a bit of good in another direction. You're not hiding him by chance?

Charles: No. My dealings with that family are over. At least I thought they were...

@темы: why must this be a play



contra mundum
contra mundum
Sebastian: I was determined to have a happy Christmas.

Charles: Did you?

Sebastian: I think so. I don't remember it much, and that's always a good sign, isn't it? Then back to this. Charles, you've seen the way they want to treat me. You won't refuse me just a little money? I must escape... I must.

Charles: Oh... Sebastian... (He opens his wallet and gives him a note)

Sebastian: A pound? Charles... please.

Stage direction: Charles passes his wallet to Sebastian with an air of resignation. Sebastian takes a five pound note from it. They look at each other.

@темы: why must this be a play



contra mundum
contra mundum
Effie: Yeah. But listen – you can't drive in this state.

Mulcaster: 'S all right. Sebastian's a good driver. And he can take his drink, you see. Come on, Sebastian. Drive us into the welcoming night.

Stage direction: Effie puts her arm around Mulcaster and they all begin to move off. A policeman enters and stops Sebastian.

Policeman: Just a minute, sir. What are you doing?

Sebastian: We are going about our legitimate business, what does it look like?

Policeman: Is that your vehicle over there?

Sebastian: No. It's his. (He points to Mulcaster)

Policeman: I see. And were any of you preparing to drive it, sir? Because if you were, I would have to advise you against it.

Sebastian: Your advice, officer has been duly noted. But, after weighty consideration, it will be ignored.

Policeman: Now, come on, sir. We don't want a charge of drunk and disorderly, do we sir?

Sebastian: I can only speak for myself, I'm afraid. I wouldn't attempt to guess what you want. Now please let me pass. As you see, I have my passengers to consider.

@темы: why must this be a play

contra mundum

Jane Mulvagh writes about ‘a pair of Australian boomerangs’ hanging on a wall at Madresfield. They were probably brought there by William the 7th earl.

While the boomerangs are more of a private joke for Victor and me, still there is Lygon street in Melbourne.

@темы: they are not they

contra mundum
Sebastian: [My mother] can be very persuasive.

Charles: She is charming.

Sebastian: Oh, we all are, curse us! She's taken to you, I'm afraid. Be warned. She means business.

@темы: why must this be a play

contra mundum


Stephen Tennant was born in his parents’ faux Jacobean manor, Wilsford, in 1906. He grew up devoted to his mother (which is not just an obituary-style euphemism in this case) but even more so to his nanny. Despite his delicate health (tuberculosis), he had the means and encouragement to develop his talents for drawing and writing alongside his boundless curiosity and stupendously camp persona (“not keen on games” as one teacher noted).

The result is that by the time he was 21 he had published a book of poetry, exhibited his drawings in London, seen Caruso sing in New York, watched Sarah Bernhardt in Paris, proposed marriage (to be politely but practically declined) and met most of the circle who would become known as the Bright Young Things, Rex Whistler and Cecil Beaton being the two most enduring associations.


@темы: i am not i

contra mundum
Sebastian: ...I think you'd better come with me to Venice. Meet Papa and Cara.

Charles: I've no money.

Sebastian: I though of that. We live on Papa when we get there, and the lawyers pay enough for my first-class fare and sleeper – we can both travel third for that. We can take the cheap sea-crossing to Dunkirk, make for Paris in one of those wooden-seated trains, and then change at Milan.

Charles: It'll be uncomfortable.

Sebastian: It'll be fun!

@темы: why must this be a play

contra mundum

@темы: oxford

contra mundum
Julia:...I can't tell you how grateful I am for relieving me at the sick-bed. Oh, Sebastian. If Mr Mottram telephones later, tell Wilcox I'm not to be disturbed.

Stage direction: She exits.

Sebastian: I'm not running her affairs for her. This Mottram is a rather unsuitable Canadian, much older than her, and with a murky past and a Mrs Champion who seems to go with him and Julia would rather she didn't - Mummy doesn't approve. There must have been a row - Julia's very pompous now.

Charles: I don't think she cares for me.

Sebastian: I don't think she cares for anyone, much. But I love her.

Charles: She is rather like you - in looks, I mean.

Sebastian: But not in character. I wouldn't love anyone with a character like mine. Oh, by the way, while you are here, will you draw the fountain?

@темы: why must this be a play

contra mundum
“There are no enfilades at Madresfield. Instead, the visitor tumbles unexpectedly - like Alice - from a small room to a huge one and then on to a tiny one.”

- Madresfield by Jane Mulvagh

@темы: the Alice-in-Wonderland side, they are not they

contra mundum
Charles: For God's sake, you don't mean to spend all your time with Kurt, do you?

Sebastian: I'm happy, he's happy.

@темы: why must this be a play

contra mundum


Astute by Martin Alford

1966 Morris Oxford

Location: United Kingdom

@темы: cars, oxford

contra mundum
Sebastian: No-one knows Papa. He's a social leper. Hadn't you heard? Don't sit here like a dummy! Come on!

Stage direction: Sebastian grabs Charles's hand and they exit running.

@темы: why must this be a play