contra mundum
“For Sebastian’s championing of butterfly and flower over arc and architecture, see Waugh, Brideshead Revisited, 37. ‘Nature is so close…’ is the opening line of Auden’s ‘Oxford’: see Antonia Fraser, ed., Oxford and Oxfordshire in Verse (Seeker and Warburg, 1982), 55. Another version exists in Auden’s Collected Poems, ed. Edward Mendelson (Faberand Faber, 1991). 147, which begins, ‘Nature invades: old rooks in each college garden / Still talk, like agile babies, the language of feeling’. “The city’s cloistral hush’ is from Waugh, BridesheadRevisited, 30, and Ryder moving through a world of piety’, ibid, 71.”

- Oxford in English Literature
The Making, and Undoing, of the English Athens
by John Dougill

@темы: motifs