contra mundum
“However, after the war, Noel Annan noted that “homosexuality has become normal.” Evelyn Waugh is one of the more striking examples of the homosexual trend in Oxford in those days. Isaiah Berlin remembers having seen him on a settee of the Club of Hypocrites kissing a friend, and Christopher Hollis knew him to have had at least two major homosexual relationships, one with Richard Pares, the other with Alastair Graham. However, Waugh married upon graduating from the university and claimed, afterwards, to hate homosexuals. Nevertheless the implications of this university homo sexual activity are undeniable.597 While homosexuality continued to be illegal under English law, it suddenly became the ideal for cultivated youth. The heterosexual poet Louis MacNeice comments that he discovered that, at Oxford, “homosexuality and intelligence, heterosexuality and musculature went hand in hand.” lie remained an outsider, and turned to drinking.”
- A history of homosexuality in Europe: Berlin, London, Paris, 1919-1939, volume I & II
by Florence Tamagne
- A history of homosexuality in Europe: Berlin, London, Paris, 1919-1939, volume I & II
by Florence Tamagne