contra mundum
Madresfield Court:

Madresfield Court is the ancestral home of the Lygon family, the eldest son of which bore the title Earl Beauchamp between 1815 and 1979, when the eighth and last Earl died. The house contains outstanding collections of furniture, pictures, porcelain and objets d’art, and a wonderful library designed by C.R. Ashbee. It is particularly a centre of the Arts and Crafts movement. The Chapel, commissioned from Birmingham artists and craftsmen in 1902, is widely regarded as the most complete, and perhaps the most lovely of all British Arts and Crafts achievements. Fittings and other commissions from the period are scattered throughout the house.

The extent and quality of the collections in the house have become increasingly recognised, most recently by Simon Jenkins who rated Madresfield among the 50 best in his book on 1000 Historic Houses. The Elmley Foundation assists with conservation, research and archiving of the house’s historical records.

Madresfield Court is currently home to Lady Rosalind Morrison, a niece of the late Earl.

Visits to the house can be made, by appointment only, between April and July each year.

To book, or for any other enquiries about Madresfield Court and gardens, or the Beauchamp/Lygon family, please contact

The Estate Office
Worcestershire WR13 5AH

Telephone 01684 579947

[email protected]

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