contra mundum
Sebastian (off): Here, hold up, Mulcaster, old thing. I'm about done.

Mulcaster: Come on, or we'll never make it.

Stage direction: Sebastian staggers on holding his teddy bear, Aloysius.

Sebastian: Plenty of time. Don't have to be in House till Tom stops ringing. Feeling a bit wobbly down below - must go steady. Aloysious is anxious that I don't make an exhibition of myself: you see his look of disapprobation?

Mulcaster: All right. Steady, by all means. But at least move.

Sebastian: Do you know, I feel most unaccountably unwell. Here.

Stage direction: He gives Aloysius to Mulcaster.

Sebastian: I don't think Aloysius should see this. I must leave you a minute...

Stage direction: He is sick into Charles's window.

Mulcaster: Oh, you ass, Flyte! [...]

Sebastian (to Charles): That's where I am, and who I am: do come and see me tomorrow. Please?

Mulcaster: Come on!

Sebastian (taking Aloysius from Mulcaster): Come on, Aloysius. It's all right. All over, now...

Stage direction: Sebastian and Mulcaster stagger out.

@темы: why must this be a play